Webová stránka Low2HighDH

Pripojte sa k našej komunite

BENEFITS you will get from being an Ambassador: 

  • Join a community of organizations aiming to boost the project’s dissemination and engagement in the field of district heating sector.
  • Get an easy access to promotion and visibility on EU level
  • have full access to the project results,
  • Official appreciation and outreach via Low2HighDH website and social media channels (LinkedIn/ Twitter (X)/Facebook/Youtube), Newsletters, Press Releases and national and European events
  • Get a reputation Boost – present your role as Ambassador of an EU co-funded project as valuable contribution to the public.
  • Gain first-hand experience in participating in EU funded project and grow your capacity.
  • Receive first-hand information and invitation to events – enjoy our easy, short and up to date information on this important topic and never miss an interesting event.
  • Participate in exclusive exchanges with peers and sharing of DHC policy developments.


What is expected on your side:

  • Share information on our project results to your own community/interest group.
  • Participate in dissemination and communication of the project progress and results to a broad audience.
  • Join the project and accompany it through its life till September 2026.
  • Share the calls for application when launched helping with promotion on local level and within their network, finding suitable applicants and encouraging them to participate.


То join our Community fill in the form below.

Formulár Spoločenstva

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